Middle School Memories

I have three favorite memories from this school year in seventh grade. First, I loved working on the twenty percent project in my core class. It was so fun to learn something I enjoyed for six weeks. My choice was calligraphy and I loved seeing mine and my friends progress through our projects. Next, I loved having the opportunity to be a part of home economics. It was so fun cooking or baking in the kitchen every Friday. It was especially enjoyable because one of my best friends was in my cooking group. I loved learning new techniques and terms from the class as we made so many new foods first semester. Also, I am so proud that I was able to receive a student of the month award from my science teacher. It was very special to me because I feel science is my hardest subject so getting an award from her meant so much. Lastly, I loved every lunch I got to spend with my friends. It was always a great time to talk and get a break of the school day together. As you can see, I loved my seventh grade year.

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