A Terrific Twenty-Four Hours

The possibilities are endless when you are invisible for twenty-four hours! If I was invisible I would steal as many credit cards as I can, trick everyone I know, and visit the world. Firstly, I would steal as many credit cards as I can because then I could spend all of them after that day to have loads of money to shop, provide for my family and friends, and donate to organizations of my choice. I would only steal one of their credit cards if they had multiple though to not steal all of their money. Next, I would trick everyone I knew to surprise them with my “appearance” because it would be fun to see their reactions. I would love to see what they would think if I started to talk to my friends and family as I would stroll into school for a couple of hours jumping through classrooms. Lastly, I would travel the world. I would ride a flight with many seats left to go for free as I would only have to pay for the way back! I want to travel to Paris, France so if there is an open fight I would love to jump on with no price. It would be even more enjoyable if I got to bring a friend too! As you can see, it would be very fun to be invisible for twenty-four hours!

Dreadful Deserted Island

Imagine being stuck on an abandoned island. That’s my life! I ended up here as I made too many bad decisions in my life with the people around me. My friends and family influenced me to make many mistakes so I was sent to an island by myself to change my mistakes without other people’s opinions on me. Now that I am here, I will tell you my daily routine. Firstly, when I wake up, I rise from my hut on the warm, soft, sand. I drink my coconut water as my morning drink to cool myself from the hot sun. Then, I fish for fish in the sea and cook it while I cross off my days of being here. As I count, I find out, today… is my four-hundredth and fifteenth day! Crazy, right? Next, I eat my hard earned fish in the hut. Since, I haven’t learned to not be influenced by others yet, I can’t leave until I do. So, I spend my days, on this dreadful deserted island even though it’s the prettiest island I’ve ever seen. I love watching the ocean’s crystal clear waves slap the sand as I watch from inside my hut. Next, I find a coconut tree I like, that is sturdy and strong. I’ve been learning to climb to the top to keep my strength up. I climb, do push-ups, and sit-ups everyday. Then, I eat a small lunch full of the sweetness of the inside of the coconuts I drink from. I save every last bit! After, I work on my drawings in the safe, soft, golden sand. I draw of the waves and people I miss. Lastly, I cook crabs I found today on the sand in a fire I make from the coconut tree leaves. When I finish my food, I gaze at the stars in the sky as I slowly drift to sleep to the dead of cold night in my hut.

Rad Reading- January

This month, I read Today Tonight Tomorrow by Rachel Lynn Solomon. This story is about two enemy seniors who have always been at each other’s throats for the last four years and on the last day of high school want to try to beat each other one last time. When Rowan Roth receives salutatorian to Neil McNair (“McNightmare”) , Rowan knows she has to win her school’s senior game of Howl to beat Neil fair and square, that makes the high school graduates travel all over their city of Seattle. As others are teaming up to kill Neil and Rowan, the two seniors decide to team up and soon Rowan finds she maybe doesn’t hate Neil anymore. As the two become closer friends, Rowan might of fallen head over heels for him instead of wanting to rip his guts out of his chest….

I love this book because I love the aspect of enemies to lovers that Neil and Rowan share and their senior game of Howl. I feel the way Rowan and Neil absolutely despise each other to then the way they find to love each other is so cute. I love how their relationship grows and Rowan trying to figure out her feelings for him. Also, the game of Howl sounds so fun. It sounds like a great way to end senior year, trying to hunt each other down around the city with your friends still trying to hang out with everyone one final time with also having fun trying to win the grand prize of 10,000.

My favorite character in Today Tonight Tomorrow was Rowan Roth. I liked her character because she is attentive, dreamy, confident, and determined personality. Rowan was determined because she had grit to do whatever it took to win the senior game of Howl including shutting her friends out to team with Neil because she knew she would have a better chance of winning with him. Also, she is confident because she went up to her favorite author, Delilah Park, to talk to her all by herself and signed up to speak about the story she was writing at the open mic they were at. Rowan is dreamy because she loves to pretend she’s living in her romance books and makes up fake scenarios in her mind. This quote shows she is attentive, ““He’s waiting on a bricked street with a rickety staircase that leads to the museum. His hair mussed, his posture slightly hunched. Why did I ever tease him about those freckles? I love them. I love every single one of them. I love his freckles and and his red hair and the too-short legs of his suit pants and the too-long sleeves, the way he laughs, the way he pushes up his glasses to rub his eyes.” This shows Rowan is attentive because she notices the small things about Neil that she likes. She noticed picky things that only someone who truly knew or loved a person would know. I love that Rowan Roth is attentive enough to be able to describe those details about Neil.

My favorite quote from Today Tonight Tomorrow was, “The love that I wanted so desperately: this isn’t what I thought it would feel like. It’s made me dizzy and it’s grounded me. It’s made me laugh when nothing is funny. It shimmers and it sparks, but it can be comfortable, too, a sleepy smile and a soft touch and a quiet, steady breath. Of course this boy—my rival, my alarm clock, my unexpected ally—is at the center of it. 
And somehow, it’s even better than I imagined.” I love this quote because it describes Rowan’s love for Neil that I feel is adorable. Rachel Lynn Solomon’s words shape their relationship perfectly in so many ways. I enjoyed this quote because it’s descriptive words also describe the hidden meanings of the book of like how Neil is her alarm clock. At the beginning of the book, it told that Neil would send Rowan texts every morning, taunting each other, waking Rowan up to a jolting start. As you can see, this is why I love this quote from Today Tonight Tomorrow.

Snazzy Solo Costume

For my dance competition season this year, I got a custom made costume from my solo that I’m competing with. One of the moms at my dance studio is a costume designer and makes some of the older girls costumes for competition and our Nutcracker ballet. This year, I asked her to make my costume and she agreed to design and create one for me. It turned out to match my solo perfectly that is choreographed to the song “Cry to Me” where I dance a jazz-contemporary solo with a tissue box as my prop. I love working with my new solo coach this year named Ms. Brandi. She helped Ms. Natasha create my perfect costume. The costume is a cutesy lavender dress, with bows connecting the open back of the costume and a bow at my waist on left in the front of it. It stops at my knees and has adorable short sleeves that flow right over my shoulders. I feel so special to have a custom costume made perfectly for me!